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My brain on ADHD

Thoughts run through my brain and ping pong back and forth on all sides

Sometimes they bump into one another and have in depth conversations

But I sit on the outside, looking in

I can see the chaos zipping around like tracks of lighting across a stormy sky

Its so mesmerizing and terrifying

I don’t want the thoughts to stop, I just want them to be more organized

I want to follow one thought all the way from one side of my brain to the other

I want to see this thought to the conclusion and move on to the next

But every time I try it’s as if a boulder rolls in front of me to stop the progression of moving forward

So I find another thought and follow it only for the boulder to move slightly and block me again

I continue to try with each thought only to be met with the same fate

It is useless so let me go disassociate and hope the thoughts get tired and rest so I can do the same

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